F S N therapy for sciatica Treatment
Under the skins: a manual of Fu’s Subcutaneous Needling acupuncture.
You could say it’s modern acupuncture, as the anatomy and function of the muscle is used when you operate the FSN. Although FSN developed from traditional acupuncture, it’s technique and methods of diagnosis is very different .it is not based on either traditional syndrome differentiation or meridians and it does not use traditional acupuncture.
In contrast, traditional acupuncture needles can penetrate deeply into the skin, Through the subcutaneous tissues and into muscles or even deeper to touch the bones. Patients may also sometimes experience sensations such as pain heaviness, or numbness. However, FSN therapy only penetrates shallowly into the subcutaneous layer which is then followed by an oblique or horizontal needle insertion. Once the FSN is in place in the subcutaneous layer, the needle is carefully moved from side to side, referred to as the sweeping movement……
You could say it’s modern acupuncture, as the anatomy and function of the muscle is used when you operate the FSN. Although FSN developed from traditional acupuncture, it’s technique and methods of diagnosis is very different .it is not based on either traditional syndrome differentiation or meridians and it does not use traditional acupuncture.
In contrast, traditional acupuncture needles can penetrate deeply into the skin, Through the subcutaneous tissues and into muscles or even deeper to touch the bones. Patients may also sometimes experience sensations such as pain heaviness, or numbness. However, FSN therapy only penetrates shallowly into the subcutaneous layer which is then followed by an oblique or horizontal needle insertion. Once the FSN is in place in the subcutaneous layer, the needle is carefully moved from side to side, referred to as the sweeping movement……